Savoring Italy’s Premium Ham at Le Quartier

Le Quartier is always eager to bring the best dining experiences to its customers.

Culatello stands as a pinnacle among Italy’s most renowned and treasured salumi. Originating in the province of Parma, this cured meat is patiently crafted by curing the rear muscle of the rump from pigs born, raised, and butchered exclusively in Lombardy and Emilia Romagna.

The intricate and time-intensive process behind its creation has elevated this meat to an exclusive status within the culinary realm.

Culatello is derived from the largest and most robust portion of the pig’s hind limbs, carefully boned and stripped of its outer layer. Following the seasoning of the inner thigh muscle, the delicate meat undergoes a minimum 12-month curing process before gracing the palates of patrons.

Once unveiled, the Culatello should be reserved within a low-temperature environment and its cut edge wrapped in a cloth soaked in white wine and fastened with waxed paper and twine to impart a vinous accent.

Frequently hailed as Italy’s premier ham, Culatello is revered for its delicate flavor profile. The exclusivity of sourcing solely from pigs raised in the open landscapes of Emilia-Romagna and Lombardy has propelled Culatello to become one of Italy’s most coveted culinary treasures, offering tenderness, abundant flavor, and nuanced wine-infused undertones.

At Le Quartier, our unwavering commitment is to deliver an exceptional dining experience. The Culatello Classico Devodier from Italy is most exquisitely enjoyed thinly sliced and paired with our distinctive butter. We recommend guests relish the dish alongside a medium-bodied red wine such as Chianti or Sangiovese to attain the utmost flavor experience.

These imported cured meats are available at Le Quartier for a limited time, adding an air of exclusivity to your culinary journey.

Le Quartier

Jl. Gunawarman No.34, South Jakarta
Opens daily from 7 am to 11 pm | WhatsApp +62 852 8196 5356

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