Celebrate the Easter weekend with a Sunday extravaganza at Seminyak haunt Botanica
Taking place on Easter Sunday from 11.00am the vibrant venue of Botanica Bali will be hosting a special lunch and Sunday Market in ode to the annual occasion. Peruse market stalls which will offer 50k wine by the glass and 50k bites. There’s also the chance to indulge in wine tasting and wine bottles, cocktails and clothing.

Entertainment will be provided in the form of a tarot card reader from 3pm and a street magician at 4pm, that’s not mentioning the live music and performances later in the day.
Families aren’t missing out – at 1pm there will be an Easter egg hunt with the Easter bunny. And a more formal lunch available for those eager to sit down with loved ones.

Chef Brenton has crafted a celebratory special menu; a Sunday roast will be available for 170k++ per person with all the trimmings. The kids will even eat for free.