Set amidst the hustle bustle of South Kuta, Bali Dynasty Resort is known as an award-winning resort offering fun-filled activities for families in a tropical environment complete with a beautiful lagoon pool. As part of our ongoing commitment towards supporting eco-tourism and green lifestyle sustainability, we have established our own mini hydroponic farm.
The aim of this project is to provide our kitchen with a fresh and healthy supply of organically grown products. This urban farm also serves as a tool to educate staff members as well as people within the local community just how easy it is to grow selected herbs and vegetables in water. Under the supervision of General Manager, Mr. Didit Indra, Chef Nyoman Suastika, along with the kitchen team recently participated in the resort’s very first harvest.
Located within our duck pond garden area, the hydroponic farm currently provides the resort with a variety of fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs that are totally free from harmful chemicals and pesticides. This eco-friendly initiative gives us unlimited access to organic produce containing the highest possible nutrients. Everything grown onsite uses no soil, 90 percent less water, 70 percentage less land and 50 percent less fertilizer.
“Hydroponic farming is an excellent method of growing plants in water without soil whereby nutrients are delivered directly to the root system. Green houses also provide ideal conditions as plants are able to grow strong and fast regardless of the season outside. Essentially, hydroponic farming allows for reliable and safe food production,” says Mr. Didit Indra, General Manager at Bali Dynasty Resort.
This initiative re-enforces the resort’s stance on sustainability and healthy lifestyle concepts by taking the first steps to help overcome food and water shortages.