How Much Does it Cost to Start A Dropshipping Business in 2022? [5 Options]

AliDropship plugin

Expenses – $89.

The next thing you need is the AliDropship plugin. It’s going to wrap up the process of creating and running your online store.

By the way, the AliDropship Plugin price hasn’t changed for many years!

But, we’ve got a surprise for you. A little lifehack: just use the ‘STARTER15’ coupon code as it’s shown in the picture below. This way, you save $13, and pay less than $76!

Here, on the same page, you can also put a tick and add hosting for 1 year, which we’ve already mentioned.

Now when you’ve done it, there is one last thing left. Customize your website as you’d like to. Naturally, you don’t need to pay yourself for your own efforts.

So the total price for your website is $134.

Suppliers and products

Expenses – $0.

The next step is to find a reliable supplier you are going to deal with.

But the question is, how to do that? How can you find such a partner that will provide your clients with high-quality products?

All you need to do is go to AliExpress and make your choice. Please pay attention to our guide on how to find a dropshipping supplier. What we’re interested in is the price. And you don’t need to pay any fees to anyone.

When you’ve chosen your business partners, you can add products to your online store.

You’ve already got the AliDropship plugin. This means you can import as many dropshipping products from AliExpress as you want. You pay nothing for this.

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